U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
MSPB is an independent, quasi-judicial agency whose mission is to protect the Merit Systems Principles and promote an effective Federal workforce free of Prohibited Personnel Practices.
Submit or Check the Status of a Request Online
Register to create an online account or sign-in to your existing account to submit a request. When you are signed into your account, you can check the status of a request, send a message to the assigned specialist, or retrieve records released to you electronically.
Request Categorization
All requests are initially categorized as a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Following review by MSPB, a request may be recategorized if appropriate.
About the FOIA
The FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552, serves as the vehicle to obtain federal agency records, unless the records (or any portion thereof) are protected from disclosure by one of FOIA's nine exemptions or one of its three exclusions. Requests for records should be directed to MSPB’s Office of the Clerk of the Board through FOIAXpress.
Search FOIA
The FOIA was enacted in 1966 to allow individual citizens to request access to federal government records. MSPB posts many of its records on its website, www.mspb.gov, or in our e-FOIA reading room including: precedential and nonprecedential Board decisions, MSPB case reports, information on the appeal process, information on the Merit System Principles, agency plans and reports, budget reports, MSPB studies, Issues of Merit newsletters, press releases, Federal Register notices, Board members’ biographies, agency organization chart, FOIA reports, and contact information.